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The Film and Classification Board (KFCB) (1)
The future of any nation in this world lies basically on how they treat its youngest citizens. Provision of basic primary education therefore goes a long way in determining our future and the future of other generations to come. Education therefore, is a prerequisite for national development and world prosperity. Kenya has made numerous strides in its quest in advancement of education to its citizens since independence. However, the Kenyan education system has been hurdled by numerous challenges in terms of service delivery, effectiveness and steadfastness through numerous challenges encountered in its implementation. This study therefore aimed at creating an understanding of the multifaceted nature of the factors affecting enrolment and retention in public primary schools in Kampi ya Moto Division, Rongai Sub County in Nakuru County. The study population comprised of all educational stakeholders in Kampi ya Moto Division including the teaching and non-teaching staff, pupils, parents, education and the duty bearers in the education administration in the area. Data for this research was generated through structured questionnaires and interview schedules and the respondents were the respective school heads, parents in these school and officers in the education department in both Sub county and divisional levels. All data generated for the study was analysed descriptively using tables, frequencies and percentages and later construed graphically through pie charts, bar and line graphs. The study found out that a combination of factors underwrote the low enrolment levels in public primary schools including socio economic factors, family background aspects, conditions in these schools and the surrounding environment. Family background factors accompanied by political dynamics were seen to have a big effect on enrolment in primary education. HIV/AIDS prevalence also presented a numerous number of reasons for low enrolment levels in Kampi ya Moto division a trend that can present itself in several other ways in the future. The government ought to ensure that there are eminent measures and strategies in place to avoid disparities in enrolment levels and ease implementation of the salient policy provisions in administration of public schools such as the auspicious free primary education programme which has numerous potential in transforming our nation into a stable middle-income economy (1)
The impact of financial innovations on service delivery to university students (1)
The main purpose of the study was to determine the effects of donor aided projects on the social-economic welfare of the rural Community. The specific objectives of the study were: To determine how fund allocation through donor aided project contribute to rural community social-economic welfare, to examine how stakeholder involvement in donor aided project contribute to rural community social-economic welfare, to establish how economic empowerment through donor aided project contribute to rural community social-economic welfare and to determine how capacity building through donor aided project contribute to rural community social-economic welfare. The study will be of great significance as it may help donors to gauge the positive contributions of their projects towards social-economic development of rural community and thus source for more funds to help increase their involvement within the poor rural community. The study may also be used as self-examination tool for both National and County government on rural community development and as such replicate the same. The study used a descriptive research design, where the target population was 240 and sample size 72 respondents. Questionnaire was the main instrument used to collect data and data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented using frequency tables, percentages and charts. From the findings it showed that, through involvement of the community and other stakeholders the quality of projects, the transparency, proper management of resources as well as equal distribution of resources ensured that what was budget for to improve the community social-economic welfare had been utilized in the best way possible. The findings also revealed that the priorities given when allocating donor funds like, schools, hospital, transport and communication infrastructure as well as basic commodities like water contributed significantly to the wellbeing of the community, The study recommends that the transparency of donor project be stress further to ensure that what the donors had pledged is well utilized and the tenders are given to the community without bribes and other unethical behaviours which may be detrimental to effective utilization of such funds, the allocation should always be on merit and for the betterment of the community in general and finally community to be educated on the oversight role to enable them reap full benefits of such project. (1)
The nonprofit organizations are volunteer-driven and depend mainly on foreign aid in order to drive their service-oriented missions. The miscellaneous bill passed in parliament in 2013 that advocated for reduction of foreign aid only added more strain to the condition. The donors are changing strategy in how they contribute to poverty reduction and this means that non-profits organizations should able to accommodate changes in order to survive the changing world. The purpose of this study was to examine various strategies that can be adopted to attain financial sustainability. The specific objectives were: to determine if engaging in social enterprise venture influences a non-profit’s financial sustainability, to examine if social media visibility attracts funding diversification from the donors and finally to verify if fostering relationship between non-profit and the state has an impact on financial sustainability of the non-profit sector This research was carried out in Narok North Constituency in 4 NGOs which are active and registered by the NGO coordination board. The study adopted the theory of change from which the conceptual framework was developed. The target population was selected by random sampling design and it comprised of 35 employees from Sidai and USAID NGOs (Enaitoti Naretu, Narok District Network Forum and Olsho). A closed ended questionnaire was used as the data collection instrument. For the data analysis, descriptive statistics of frequencies and percentages were done using the SPSS software version 21. The findings were expected to be beneficial to the community members, the local NGOs, private sector and also the government. The findings revealed that social enterprise venture, non-profit’s visibility and strategic alliances had significant effects on the financial sustainability of the NGOs. From the study it was evident that there is need to strategize on ways to build on their financial reserves as the external environment is drastically changing and needs of the communities keeps on rising. Keywords: social enterprise, Non-Governmental Organization, social enterprise, financial sustainability, visibility (1)
The purpose of this research project was to come up with a comparison of academic performance between student mothers and non-student mothers in Maasai Mara University. Whereby the research objectives were; to compare the attitudinal differences between student mothers and non-student mothers, to compare the challenges faced by student mothers and non-student mothers and to compare the academic performance between student mothers and non-student mothers. This study investigated the experiences that student mothers face while going on with their education. Those experiences are what contributes either positively or negatively to their academic performance. The study was also meant to benefit the student mothers especially when put into use by the Maasai Mara university administration. That is, to shed light to them on some hardships that student mothers undergo and thus consider them in the course of timetabling. The study was carried out in Maasai Mara University, situated in Narok County, approximately 1.5 Kilometers from Narok town. It targeted the student mothers present in Maasai Mara University, specifically those who were in session. This study was not done as an independent study but employed two theories to streamline it, that is, the identity and the role conflict theory. Also, it included the conceptual framework which has the dependent variable, the intervening and the interdependent variable. The study employed descriptive survey design utilizing both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. The snowballing sampling technique was used to identify student mothers. The study used primary data which was collected through use of a five point Likert scale questionnaire and secondary data which entailed the published books, academic journals and the internet source. The researcher used Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to generate the descriptive statistics and also to generate inferential results. The descriptive statistics used included frequency tables. The findings of this study were to help the Maasai Mara University administration come up with structures that will curb the challenges faced by the student-mothers, thus boosting their academic performance. There is also data analysis that was done based on the questionnaire and the responses given as per objective and the findings, conclusion and the recommendations. (1)
The purpose of this study is to establish the prevalence of drug abuse in Maasai Mara University, main campus and the adverse effects it has on the general wellbeing of students. The following objectives guided research: determining the effects of alcohol abuse to students, providing an in-depth study on the popularization of Marijuana abuse among youths, establishing the extent of tobacco smoking among students, availability of drugs close to the school premises and identifying the most abused drug that is preferred by students. Different literatures have contributed massively in availing vital data and information that has been the foundation and skeleton of this research. This paper uses descriptive research design in data collection. (1)
The ravages of alcoholism and drug addictions continue to take greater and greater tolls on society today. Substance abuse treatment centers continue to be our most promising means for the remediation of this problem Yet, the effectiveness of addiction programming continues to be under great scrutiny which may be due to lack of utilization of an empirically founded recovery tool. Spirituality is one of the essential foundations for the remediation of an addictive disorder, yet many treatment facilities ignore addressing this human dimension. The purpose of this study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of spiritual leaders and family in assisting the youths involved in drug abuse in Duka Moja within Narok County. The study was guided by the following objectives; to find out whether Spiritual Therapy assists youths involved in drug abuse in Duka Moja within Narok County; to establish whether family's spiritual beliefs and practices on substance use assists youths involved in drug abuse in Duka Moja within Narok County and to determine whether parental monitoring assists youths involved in drug abuse in Duka Moja within Narok County. The study utilized descriptive survey design, where the accessible population was 1000 people from which a sample of 10 %( 100) of the total population was selected and a sample size of respondents was obtained for the study. Quantitative research approaches were used to collect information. Stratified random sampling was used to select the sample that represented the whole population. Questionnaires were used since they make easier to collect data from the respondents. Data was collected and arranged by coding and editing into manageable proportions and entered into the computer by use of Microsoft Excel spread sheet computer programs. The presentation of the study findings was in form of tables, bar graphs and figures where necessary. In summary of the findings, it was found that majority of the respondents agreed that religious youth are less likely to engage in health-compromising behaviors like drug abuse. Majority of the respondents agreed that, children who come from homes where parents take drugs tend to imitate the behavior of their parents by taking illegal drugs. Majority agreed that, parental monitoring plays an important role in adolescent self-control which is linked to adjustment and behavior. The study concluded that Spiritual, family practices and parental monitoring are key to recovery, because they provide individuals with an effective means of dealing with drugs abuse. The study recommended that the policy makers need to establish ways of promoting spiritual and family interventions to enhance after care services once the clients are discharged from the rehabilitation centers. (1)
The research project investigated the risk factors contributing to the HIV/AIDs infection among university students a case study of Maasai Mara University. HIV continues to spread in most countries of the world including Kenya. Since HIV/AIDs has no cure yet, behavior change has been fronted as the most likely scientific basis for the reduction in HIV prevalence. The virus is spread mainly by sexual behavior and drug taking that are generally private and sometimes difficult to discuss openly. The purpose of the study was to get the root causes of HIV among students in universities. This study therefore was guided by three objectives; to determine the magnitude of HIV/AIDs among university students, to investigate risk factors of HIV/AIDs infection among students, to determine the intervention measures which have been put in place to control HIV/AIDs infection. The study was conducted in Narok Couty at Maasai Mara University. In this study descriptive research design was used which is appropriate for the behavioral concept. A total of 45 respondents with 25 (55.6%) females and 20 (44.4%) males and 5 key informants were used in the study. Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. The study instrument used was questionnaire which was validated through preliminary pilot testing. Data collected was analyzed and presented inform of frequency tables and charts. The study found out that majority of MMU students were first years (44.4%) and third years recorded the least numbers at (22.2%). According to data sugar mummy and daddies topped as the major cause of the HIV/AIDs infection among students at (80%), lack of condom use (77.8%), peer pressure (77.8%), alcohol and drug abuse (66.7%), multiple sex partners (66.7%) were reported to be the major contributing factors towards HIV/AIDs transmission while casual sex and prostitution were reported to be low among the students which stood at (22.2%) and (33.3%) respectively. Data revealed that (44.4%) out of 45 respondents were not willing to tell their HIV status which was as a result of most of them not aware of their HIV status therefore there is need to encourage students to go for the same. Majority of students engaged themselves into unprotected sex (56%) and only (44%) used condom during sexual intercourse. The study also revealed (53%) to having multiple sexual partners and (47%) had one partner. 19 students out of 45 reported to know colleague who was infected with HIV/AIDs and strict ten to ten rule and guidance on relationship and HIV/AIDs were suggested by students to be the relevant measures that the university should adopt to addressing the transmission. The study has given recommendations to the university on how to address the risk factors of HIV/AIDs infection. (1)
The research project is entitled as “factors that contributing to the presence of street children in urban centers in Kenya” the research was carried in Narok town. It consists of the background of the study which clearly shows that street children are found primarily in urban areas without adult supervision or care. The statement of the problem indicates that street children are exposed to a wide range of risks affecting their physical and psychological health and personal safety. And the objective of the study both general and specific was to find out the factors contributing to presence of street children in urban centers. By finding out how family background contribute to presence of street children in urban centers, establish the extent to which peer influence contribute to presence of street childen in urban centers, and determine how economic status contribute to presence of street children in urban centers. Street children were defining as young boys and girls who dwell on the street with the purpose of making living them and their families. In Nairobi Kenya, the familiar name in particular is parking boys and parking girls or (chokora).it clearly shows that most of the street children have single parent. The variables under the study were economic factor, peer influence, family background. Research methodology indicates the method which had been used in carrying out the research project; the research was carried out in Narok town, Narok County. The researcher adopted descriptive design in the collection of data. The researcher used interview schedules ,questionnaires which were both open and closed ended questions and finally the data analysis which used tables, graphs, charts and descriptive. The finding shows that two types of street children were the majority. Those who work in the street but regularly go back to their homes and those who reside in the street after running away from their families. The finding of the study also indicate that most of the parent of the street childern are self- employed as street hawkers, for them to support their living.Others were employed they get 7 thousend by month compare to the number of members in the family. while the third category do not have jobs. The researcher concluded that the Programmes to address street children problems exist, and most of them are run by NGOs. The majority of these programmes are remedial and hence supportive. There are few preventive programmes and they too tend to be supportive rather than developmental. (1)