Although the general tendency is toward deinstitutionalization, children's
institutionalization remains an important option of caring for orphans and vulnerable
children. The present study aimed to explore the level of psychological wellbeing of
institutionalized children in Guiloungou centre, Burkina Faso. The following objective
served as a guide for the research: to assess the level of psychological wellbeing of children
living in Guiloungou centre, Burkina Faso. Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory and John
Bowlby's attachment theory guided this research. The target population consisted of 32
children and 11 caregivers from the Guiloungou centre, Burkina Faso. The study used the
census method to include the entire population in the research. The researcher used a case
study design and qualitative research approach. The study employed observation, focus
group discussions, interviews and document analysis techniques to collect data. Data
collected were analyzed thematically according to the objective. From the psychological
perspective, findings revealed that, Guiloungou centre was a place of self-acceptance,
resilience, personal growth, autonomy, and happiness for children. These findings may be
useful in suggesting approaches necessary for improving the psychological well-being of
orphans and vulnerable children living in institutionalized care in Burkina Faso.