Professional training greatly influences the development of human resource capacities
that in turn boost sustainable economic growth and development. Provision of quality
education has been given emphasis in legislations and acts of parliaments. The purpose
of this study was to establish effects of teacher characteristics on academic performance
of hearing-impaired students at Karen Technical Training Institute for the Deaf with an
aim of finding ways of improving the academic performance of the institution. It aimed
to determine the effect of trained teachers in special needs education and instructional
strategies used on academic performance of hearing impaired students at Karen
Technical Training Institute for the Deaf. The study also correlated teachers’
perceptions on hearing impaired learners and their academic performance at the same
institution at the time determining the effect of using Kenyan Sign Language for
academic instructions on academic performance of hearing impaired students at this
institute for the Deaf. The study was supported by the social learning theory by Albert
Bandura. Descriptive research design was used to sample 30% of the targeted
population thus 15 teachers and 113 students from a population size of 61 teachers and
450 students. Stratified and random sampling was used to get the number of
respondents for the teachers as one stratum and for the students as the other. Simple
random sampling was used to get the individual respondents from the two strata. Two
sets of questionnaires were used for collecting data; one for the teachers while the other
for the students. The questionnaires were validated and their reliability tested after pilot
testing. Validity was achieved by discussing the items in the tools with the supervisors.
Reliability, on the other hand, was achieved by checking internal consistence using
Spearman-Brown prophecy formula. Raw data that was systematically organized, coded
and analyzed through descriptive as well as inferential statistics. The results were
thereafter presented through frequency tables. The study investigated the effect of
independent variable on dependent variable using Multinomial Logistic Regression. It
used the KNEC system to categorization put students into three levels namely Good,
Fair and Fail. The results showed that an increase in teacher training in SNE increases
the odds of students getting categorized as Good by 2.49. This implied that an increase
in teachers training in SNE is associated with a positive increase in learners academic
performance. An increase in instructional strategies increases the odds of students
getting categorized as Good by 1.519. This implied that an increase in instructional
strategies is associated with a positive increase in learners academic performance. An
improvement on teacher perceptions increases the odds of students getting categorized
as Good by 1.519. Additionally, the results indicated that using KSL increases the odds
of students getting categorized as Good by 3.049. The results implied that the use of
KSL was also positively associated with increase in academic performance. From this
analysis, the researcher thus failed to accept the null hypothesis. The study
recommended that teachers should be trained to have more confidence when it comes to
the use of KSL so as to make them effective in their teaching, there is the need for
improvement of sitting arrangement in classes by ensuring that they adopt horse-shoe
shaped arrangement. In terms of perceptions of the teachers, teachers need to have
higher academic and positive behavioral expectations of students with HI than of their
hearing peers. This creates a learning environment that is positive to the learners.
Teachers should embrace the use of KSL for academic instructions as it makes it easy
for students with HI to understand academic content.