dc.description.abstract |
: The study aimed to investigate the influence of school finance allocation on implementation of Free
Day Secondary Education Policy in Public Secondary Schools in Narok North Sub County, Kenya and to
suggest remedies for improving the level of financing to the schools. The study targeted 30 head teachers from
30 public secondary schools. The Sub County Education Director and seven (7) Zonal Quality Assurance and
Standards Officers (ZQASOs) were also targeted. The total population for the study was 38 subjects. Stratified
random sampling was used to group the subjects while simple random sampling was used to select the
participants from each stratum. Purposive sampling was used to select the DEO and ZQASOs. Questionnaires
were used for collecting data from the head teachers while interview schedules were administered to the SubCounty Education Director and the Zonal Quality Assurance and Standards Officers. Validity of the instruments
was determined by experts in research at the Maasa Mara University. Reliability of the instruments was tested
by subjecting the instruments to a pilot study whereby the results were computed using the Cronbach alpha
reliability co-efficient. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyse quantitative data
while qualitative data were analyzed by idenitifying similar responses. Financial constraints due to delays in
policy making and late disbursement of funds to schools were found to affect implementation of Free Day
Secondary School policy in spite of the increased school enrolment. The study recommends timely allocation
and release of funds to schools to keep the implementation of government policies in the education sector on the
right track.
Keywords: Challenges, Effective Implementation, Free Primary Education (FPE) Free Day Secondary
Education (FDSE) |
en_US |