This study examined the effectiveness of teacher counselors in psychological and emotional
adjustment of orphaned students in public secondary schools in Kandara sub-county, Kenya. The study adopted
a descriptive survey research design.A targeted population of 1030 orphaned students and 63 teacher counsellors
took part in the study. A sample of 103 orphaned students and 7 teacher counselors obtained through purposive
stratified and sampling took part in the study. Data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed
usingdescriptive statistics including means, percentages and frequencies. This was done with the help of SPSS
version 23 and presented in charts, tables, percentages, means and frequencies .The study found out that teacher
counselors were effective in helping orphaned students to adjust psychologically and emotionally. The study
recommended consistency in guidance and counseling services to the orphaned learners as well as refresher
courses for teachers to equip them with relevant skills to manage loss and grief among orphaned students.