Maasai Mara University Institutional Repository
The repository collects, stores, preserves and disseminates digital information resources. It serves Maasai Mara University community with intellectual output.
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Benjamin Karume
Benjamin Karume
Decision making, being an integral part of agricultural production means that this critical component affectsfarmer's production overall yield and, ultimately, impact their livelihoods. The basis of these decisions include ...
Karume, Benjamin Anyong’a, Eric Masese, Jamin Masinde
The study looks at how attitudes, norms and behavior control influence compliance with ISO 9001:2015
QMS procedures at Kenyatta National Hospital. This is against a backdrop of deteriorating service standards at ...
Karume Benjamin Anyong’a , Prof. Jamin Masinde , Dr. Eric Masese
The purpose of the study was to investigate the employees’ attitude towards ISO 9001:2015 QMS at Kenyatta National Hospital. Data
was collected from 291 employees of the Hospital selected through a multistage sampling ...
Abby Christine Njeri Murage, Dr. Mary M. Mutisya & Dr. Sisinio Muthengi
There has been a rivalry between Airbnb and the hotel industry across the world, which has
mostly been on media fronts. The competitive front in the hotel industry has changed after the
emergence of P2P accommodation ...
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