Urban green spaces are a paramount element of the urban ecosystem. However urban green spaces have been facing challenges which if not timely dealt with, the urban green spaces will not be in a position to provide the urban inhabitants with the important ecosystem services they provide. Kenya like many other countries in the developing world have been experiencing rapid urbanization. Rapid urbanization comes with a variety of challenges among them included challenges on the urban green spaces. The focus of this paper is on describing the challenges that are facing Nairobi City Park, Nairobi. The study was therefore conducted in Nairobi city park. The study adopted descriptive research design where questionnaires an interview guide were used as the major instruments of data collection. Data collected during the study was analyzed using qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods. The results of the study pointed out that there are indeed challenges facing Nairobi City Park. The paper has presented the challenges in to three main categories namely environmental challenges, social challenges and management challenges.