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The ravages of alcoholism and drug addictions continue to take greater and greater tolls on society today. Substance abuse treatment centers continue to be our most promising means for the remediation of this problem Yet, the effectiveness of addiction programming continues to be under great scrutiny which may be due to lack of utilization of an empirically founded recovery tool. Spirituality is one of the essential foundations for the remediation of an addictive disorder, yet many treatment facilities ignore addressing this human dimension. The purpose of this study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of spiritual leaders and family in assisting the youths involved in drug abuse in Duka Moja within Narok County. The study was guided by the following objectives; to find out whether Spiritual Therapy assists youths involved in drug abuse in Duka Moja within Narok County; to establish whether family's spiritual beliefs and practices on substance use assists youths involved in drug abuse in Duka Moja within Narok County and to determine whether parental monitoring assists youths involved in drug abuse in Duka Moja within Narok County. The study utilized descriptive survey design, where the accessible population was 1000 people from which a sample of 10 %( 100) of the total population was selected and a sample size of respondents was obtained for the study. Quantitative research approaches were used to collect information. Stratified random sampling was used to select the sample that represented the whole population. Questionnaires were used since they make easier to collect data from the respondents. Data was collected and arranged by coding and editing into manageable proportions and entered into the computer by use of Microsoft Excel spread sheet computer programs. The presentation of the study findings was in form of tables, bar graphs and figures where necessary. In summary of the findings, it was found that majority of the respondents agreed that religious youth are less likely to engage in health-compromising behaviors like drug abuse. Majority of the respondents agreed that, children who come from homes where parents take drugs tend to imitate the behavior of their parents by taking illegal drugs. Majority agreed that, parental monitoring plays an important role in adolescent self-control which is linked to adjustment and behavior. The study concluded that Spiritual, family practices and parental monitoring are key to recovery, because they provide individuals with an effective means of dealing with drugs abuse. The study recommended that the policy makers need to establish ways of promoting spiritual and family interventions to enhance after care services once the clients are discharged from the rehabilitation centers. (1)
The research project investigated the risk factors contributing to the HIV/AIDs infection among university students a case study of Maasai Mara University. HIV continues to spread in most countries of the world including Kenya. Since HIV/AIDs has no cure yet, behavior change has been fronted as the most likely scientific basis for the reduction in HIV prevalence. The virus is spread mainly by sexual behavior and drug taking that are generally private and sometimes difficult to discuss openly. The purpose of the study was to get the root causes of HIV among students in universities. This study therefore was guided by three objectives; to determine the magnitude of HIV/AIDs among university students, to investigate risk factors of HIV/AIDs infection among students, to determine the intervention measures which have been put in place to control HIV/AIDs infection. The study was conducted in Narok Couty at Maasai Mara University. In this study descriptive research design was used which is appropriate for the behavioral concept. A total of 45 respondents with 25 (55.6%) females and 20 (44.4%) males and 5 key informants were used in the study. Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. The study instrument used was questionnaire which was validated through preliminary pilot testing. Data collected was analyzed and presented inform of frequency tables and charts. The study found out that majority of MMU students were first years (44.4%) and third years recorded the least numbers at (22.2%). According to data sugar mummy and daddies topped as the major cause of the HIV/AIDs infection among students at (80%), lack of condom use (77.8%), peer pressure (77.8%), alcohol and drug abuse (66.7%), multiple sex partners (66.7%) were reported to be the major contributing factors towards HIV/AIDs transmission while casual sex and prostitution were reported to be low among the students which stood at (22.2%) and (33.3%) respectively. Data revealed that (44.4%) out of 45 respondents were not willing to tell their HIV status which was as a result of most of them not aware of their HIV status therefore there is need to encourage students to go for the same. Majority of students engaged themselves into unprotected sex (56%) and only (44%) used condom during sexual intercourse. The study also revealed (53%) to having multiple sexual partners and (47%) had one partner. 19 students out of 45 reported to know colleague who was infected with HIV/AIDs and strict ten to ten rule and guidance on relationship and HIV/AIDs were suggested by students to be the relevant measures that the university should adopt to addressing the transmission. The study has given recommendations to the university on how to address the risk factors of HIV/AIDs infection. (1)
The research project is entitled as “factors that contributing to the presence of street children in urban centers in Kenya” the research was carried in Narok town. It consists of the background of the study which clearly shows that street children are found primarily in urban areas without adult supervision or care. The statement of the problem indicates that street children are exposed to a wide range of risks affecting their physical and psychological health and personal safety. And the objective of the study both general and specific was to find out the factors contributing to presence of street children in urban centers. By finding out how family background contribute to presence of street children in urban centers, establish the extent to which peer influence contribute to presence of street childen in urban centers, and determine how economic status contribute to presence of street children in urban centers. Street children were defining as young boys and girls who dwell on the street with the purpose of making living them and their families. In Nairobi Kenya, the familiar name in particular is parking boys and parking girls or (chokora).it clearly shows that most of the street children have single parent. The variables under the study were economic factor, peer influence, family background. Research methodology indicates the method which had been used in carrying out the research project; the research was carried out in Narok town, Narok County. The researcher adopted descriptive design in the collection of data. The researcher used interview schedules ,questionnaires which were both open and closed ended questions and finally the data analysis which used tables, graphs, charts and descriptive. The finding shows that two types of street children were the majority. Those who work in the street but regularly go back to their homes and those who reside in the street after running away from their families. The finding of the study also indicate that most of the parent of the street childern are self- employed as street hawkers, for them to support their living.Others were employed they get 7 thousend by month compare to the number of members in the family. while the third category do not have jobs. The researcher concluded that the Programmes to address street children problems exist, and most of them are run by NGOs. The majority of these programmes are remedial and hence supportive. There are few preventive programmes and they too tend to be supportive rather than developmental. (1)
The role of microfinance activities on economic empowerment of women (1)
The role of microfinance on women economic and social empowerment (1)
The study sought to establish the challenges faced by street children in Nairobi County. It was guided by the following three specific objectives. First to examine the lifestyle of street children secondly to identify challenges faced by street children and thirdly to assess their survival and coping mechanism they employ to overcome the challenges they face. Chapter two comprised of the literature review which covered the lifestyle of the street children, challenges they face on the streets and their survival and coping mechanism they employ to overcome the challenges they face. The theoretical framework and conceptual framework are also given in this section. Chapter three presents the research methodology and the research design was descriptive which targeted street children, social workers from NGOs rehabilitating street children and officers from department of Children in the four constituencies. Data was collected using questionnaires for 25 street children, and key informant interviews were conducted with 4 children officers and 5 social workers. The statistical Package for Social Science was used for quantitative data while thematic analysis was used for qualitative data analysis. Study findings showed that street children in Nairobi County face myriad challenges which included health problems; access to basic needs such as shelter, food, clothing; psychological and social problems; abuse (physical, sexual, verbal); water and sanitation problems. The severity of these challenges varied depending with age and one’s sex. (1)
The study was carried out in Konoin Sub-County in Bomet County. The main objectives of the study are to establish the impact of child abuse on growth of child to adulthood. The specific objectives include to establish the types of child abuse common in Konoin Sub-County, to find out the cause of child abuse on the growth of the child from childhood to adulthood, to find out the challenges facing the society in confronting the child abuse practices in Konoin Sub-County in Bomet County and to suggest the policies to be adopted for effective control of child abuse in Konoin Sub-County in Bomet County. The study adopted a survey design. Target population of 600 was used to sample a sample size of 160 using the stratified sampling. Data collection instruments used was open and closed ended questionnaires. Validity and reliability was tested using a pilot study and data analysis was done using Microsoft excel. It was found out that the causes of child abuse among the secondary school going students (14-20 years) include: sexual abuse, corporal punishment neglect and physical injuries. The effects of child abuse to the society include: reduction in hope, brain retardment, physical deformity, truancy from high school, high level of pregnancy, poor performance in schools withdraw from the society, psychological tortures, permissiveness in the society, stress and ill health. The challenges include: poor government policies, corrupt law enforcers officers, unethical behavior in the society, and permissiveness in the society, business drift in drug selling, levels of poverty among the residents and cultures in the society. The researcher made sure the following recommendations enactment of policies by Parliament: Control the movement of children, reduction of the tendencies of permissiveness in the society and precaution on foreign culture. The researcher therefore suggests further study on the following areas to complement and supplement the findings of the study; the causes of child abuse in the non- school environment, the findings of child abuse in schools and child abuse in street children. (1)
The Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the regions highly affected by youth unemployment. It is estimated to be more than 21 %. It is estimated that 64% of unemployed persons in Kenya are youth. Interestingly, only 1.5% of the unemployed youth have formal education beyond secondary school level and the remaining over 92% have no vocational or professional skills training and the majority is found in the rural Kenya. Youths in Kenya who number about 12 million account for about 32% of the population. Participatory development is the most important approach towards enabling communities to help themselves and sustain efforts towards development work. Despite efforts by the government and other relevant such as NGOs to empower the youth through participation in community based projects, the youth have not fully participated. This study established the factors that affect the participation of youth in community based projects in Narok North constituency. The study was guided by four objectives, the first objective established how education and training of the youth influences their participation, established how capital and credit facilities among the youth influence their participation, determined how technology influences youth participation and the last objective examined the extent to which organizational policy of the CBOs influences youth participation in community based organizations, in Narok North constituency. The study was justified because there has not been any previous documentation on youth participation in Narok North constituency. The study conceptualized youth participation in community based organizations and it was guided by two theories ; the systems theory of management and the stakeholders theory. The relationship between the independent and the dependent variable was conceptualized. The study adopted a descriptive research design and focused on the 300 youth who are active on youth groups registered by the ministry of social services as its target population. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the officials of the groups while simple random sampling was used to select 30% that is 90 of the youth to participate in the study. The study used both primary and secondary data. Secondary data was obtained from existing literature while primary data was collected using questionnaires. A pilot study, Validity and reliability of the research instrument were done. Data was analyzed descriptively by the aid of Excel soft ware where the means, percentages and frequencies were computed and then presented using tables and charts, and interpretations made based on the study objectives. The study drew conclusions and recommendations based on the findings. (1)
Theory of Planned Behavior (1)
This purpose of the research project was to investigate the factors that affect women access to formal employment among the Maasai in Kajiado Central Sub-county. The purpose of the study was to determine factors affecting women access to formal employment among the Maasai community in Kajiado central sub-county. This study was guided by the following specific three objectives; (i) To find out effects of cultural factors on access to formal employment among the Maasai women in Kajiado central sub-county, (ii) To assess effects of socio-economic factors on access to formal employment among the Maasai women in Kajiado central sub-county, (iii) To evaluate the extent to which skills and knowledge effects access of Maasai women to formal employment in Kajiado central sub-county. Relevant literature on factors affecting women’s access to formal employment was revealed to expose the existing gaps and to offer an insight into the need for the current study. This study sought to investigate the relationship between women’s access to formal employment (dependent variables) and the following set of independent variables: cultural factors, socio-economic factors and lack of skill and knowledge. The study was conducted in Kajiado Central Sub-county. In this study descriptive research design which is appropriate for behavioural concept was used. For the purpose of this study 10% of the target population was used. Data was collected using questionnaires which were validated through preliminary pilot testing. The pilot testing method was used to determine the reliability. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive analysis with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and information obtained shall be presented in form of frequency tables, pie charts and bar graphs. Frequencies, percentages and chats were used to present the findings. Data was analysed in two sections, the first section is limited to the demographic characteristics of the respondents whereby the demographic characteristics analyzed included sex, age, marital status, educational level and unemployment period of the respondents. The second section involves the analysis and interpretation of findings as per the objectives, which are: the cultural factors that affect women access to formal employment; socio-economic factors that hinder women access to formal employment; the effect the level of education, skills and knowledge on access to formal employment among the Maasai women in Kajiado Central sub-county. The study summarizes the findings of the study, draws conclusions and offers some recommendations. (1)

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