The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges facing effective implementation of Free Day Secondary Education (FDSE) in Kenya. The focus of the study was Narok North sub county; Narok County. The specific objectives were to: examine the effect of finances for the implementation of the free day secondary education in schools in Narok North sub county; assess the effectiveness of the existing policy on the implementation of FDSE in public secondary school, determine the adequacy of resources in the implementation of FDSE in the schools, examine the effect of the education system in the implementation of FDSE schools ; and come up with possible solutions to solve the challenges of FDSE. The study used descriptive survey research design. The target population was 442 respondents consisting of 30 head teachers, 300 teachers and 8 education officers in the study area. The sample size was 126 respondents, 7 head teachers, 108 teachers, one DEO and two Zonal Quality Assurance and Standards Officers (ZQASOs). Stratified random sampling was used to select the head teachers and teachers while purposive sampling was used to select the DEO and ZQASOs. Questionnaires were used as instruments for collecting data from the head teachers and teachers while interview schedules were administered to the DEO and the Zonal Quality Assurance and Standards Officers (ZQASOs).Validity of the instruments was done through experts in education. Reliability was tested by subjecting the instruments to a pilot study whereby the results were used to compute the alpha reliability coefficient in order to establish the internal consistency of the instruments. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics.Quantitative data was analyzed using frequency counts and percentages while qualitative data was analyzed by tallying the numbers of similar responses. The findings of the study indicated that Free Day Secondary School had many challenges that were difficult for the teachers and head teachers to cope with. Among the key challenges were: increase in the number of student’s enrolment against very few resources and facilities in terms of finances, toilets and class rooms. The study also found that school finances were not released on time and that this was a major challenge for their planning process. The study recommends that, there is need to put in place appropriate measures to ensure that the required facilities are put in place in order to support the entire FDSE programme. It also recommends that there is need to hire more teachers to handle the influx of the number of students joining secondary education due to FDSE program. The study also recommends that more finances be allocated and released on time to support FDSE Programs by enabling the Head Teachers to plan for their activities ahead of time.