MMARAU Institutional Repository

Staff training and development is fundamental to business growth. It can help sales, save staff hours, create more efficient production methods, and improve technical systems and more. Unfortunately it’s also something that’s often ignored by many small business owners because it is seen as too time consuming or expensive. The challenges associated with the changing nature of work and the workplace environment is as real for the company as elsewhere. Rapid change requires a skilled, knowledgeable workforce with employees who are adaptive, flexible, and focused on the future. The rule of employee training and development has been on the verge of improvement with newer approaches being put in place. Projections of organizational surplus are remarkable as businesses in Kenya have embraced the use of better employee training approaches. This paper seeks to analyze the effects of employee training and development on organizational surplus using the Kenya Seed Company - Narok Branch as the case study. The specific objectives of the study will be: to investigate the role employee training in businesses in Kenya today; to establish the effects of employee training and development; to determine the predominant strategies used by firms over their employee training and development and to analyze the degree of employee training and development in Kenya Seed Company. The researcher will use a sample size of 20 representing Kenya Seed Company - Narok Branch, from the IT Department, Marketing, Customer Relations and Product Promotion Departments. The researcher will use purposive sampling of 25% of the target population which narrows down to 5 people per department. The research considers that as much as organizations put in place proper measures to be better in the market, employee training and development plays a pivotal role in ensuring that business firms perform well or otherwise and the organizational surplus highly improved. The key beneficiaries of this research will be the Kenya Seed Company, and other players in the seed industry who will learn how to appreciate the role of employee training and development in promoting organizational surplus in Kenya and how well to apply the proper usage of the same.

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