Purpose of Study: The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of social skills training
on enhancing self-concept of teenage mothers in Kibera. Because teenage pregnancy is considered as
a global issue. A large proportion of teenage mothers give up on themselves and struggle with negative
emotions resulting from societal stigma, rejection and isolation from friends and families, which can
lead to poor self-concept.
Methodology: The study was anchored on person centered theory of Carl Rogers and Bandura`s social
cognitive theory. Mixed method sequential explanatory design was adopted for the study. The target
population was 150 teenage mothers. Quantitative data was collected from participants using selfconcept and social skills questionnaires. An interview guide was used to collect data from one social
worker and one school administration for the qualitative study. The data were analyzed utilizing
narratives and correlations. We used SPSS version 21 to examine the first round of quantitative data.
After analyzing the quantitative data, individuals with mean scores between 1.0 and 2.5 were chosen
for the qualitative investigation.
Main Finding: The study found out that social skills training has improved self-concept of teenage
mothers in Kibera. The qualitative study revealed that teenage mothers go through psychological and
emotional challenges in the hands of their parents. The study generally concludes that self-concept of
teenage mothers is being affected by lack of psychological support, forgiveness and acceptance from
the family. Intervention suggested included being emotionally present, psychological support, and love
by parents to teenage mothers.
Research Implication: The study's findings suggested that rules on guidance and counseling services
for parents and teenage mothers be strengthened in order to improve assertiveness. It is critical for
social workers to focus on policy development in low-income households, particularly in the area of
education, in order to prevent adolescent pregnancy.
Novelty/Originality of this study: Based on the findings, this study proposes a novel approach to
dealing with teen pregnancy and offering psychological support. In addition, the parents provide social
support and love.