dc.description.abstract |
Performance management practices in most public secondary schools in Kenya over the years
have failed to achieve the desired levels thereby creating a ‘performance improvement zone’
which required intervention measures. Strategic planning was adopted and embraced by many
schools by 2014 and was seen as a reform tool that could be used to improve performance
management in schools. Even though there was an intervention by the Ministry of Education
(MOE), by 2015, notable gaps still exist and many schools are still experiencing low
achievement levels in management practices. Despite secondary school principals having been
trained on strategic planning, there is scanty documented literature on the implementation of the
reform tool for improving performance management practices in public secondary schools in
Kenya, specifically in Nyamira County. This study therefore, sought to: establish the
development of strategic plans, explore the levels of strategic plan implementation, determine
the levels of strategic plan control and evaluation, and, explore the extent to which strategic
planning was being used. A survey research design was used in this study. The sampled
population was 135 public secondary schools in the County. Purposive sampling was used to
select, Nyamira county, public secondary schools and Simple random sampling further used to
select 45 secondary schools. 45 principals, 45 Board of Management (BOM) and Parents
Association (PA) heads of departments were purposively sampled. Slovin formula was further
used to determine the number of HODs (3) per school giving a total of 315 respondents. Data
was collected through questionnaires for principals, deputy principals and HODs while interview
schedules for PA and BOM chairpersons. Document analysis was also used in obtaining
secondary data from Schools Strategic plans, Standards assessment and Audit reports. The
validity of the instruments was established through scrutiny by the study supervisors. The data
from questionnaires were analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS)
computer programme version 22.0 and descriptive and inferential statistics generated. Qualitative
data from interview schedules were analyzed thematically and reported in a narrative and direct
quote. Data was quantified using descriptive statistics like frequencies and percentages and findings
presented in charts, tables and graphs. The major findings of the study indicated that although all
the schools had developed strategic plans with clear designs and structures for strategic direction,
most Principals were not effectively implementing the strategic plans and strategies were not
effectively controlled and evaluated and thus, all these affected improvements in performance
management practices. It was therefore concluded that the challenges noted in the performance
management practices in the secondary schools were as a result of failure to use strategic
planning as a tool for improving performance. Strategic planning, if effectively used by
Principals can be a reform tool for driving performance improvement in management practices
and it was therefore recommended there is need to strengthen the usage of strategic planning to
improve performance management to the desired levels. Finally, further research should be
carried out in more counties to determine correlation between strategic planning tool and
performance improvement practices. |
en_US |