Mainstream education allows for universal learning, participation and performance of all learners,
including learners with specific learning difficulties (SLD). In Koibatek Sub-County, learners with SLD look
absolutely normal and it is quite difficult to pick them out among other learners. These learners seem to have the
ability to perform learning activities yet they do not perform as is expected from them. They develop more slowly
intellectually than other learners of the same age due to difficulty with basic processes that are applied in
understanding or using spoken language. The purpose of this study was to find out teacher attributes influencing
academic performance of learners with SLD in mainstream public primary schools in Koibatek Sub-County,
Baringo County. This research was guided by the position theory. The researcher adopted a survey research
design. The target population for this study consisted of 77 head teachers and 80 class eight teachers from 77
public primary schools. A purposive sampling technique was adopted. A pilot study was done to test the validity
and reliability of the data collection instruments and a Chronbach alpha of 0.81 was found. Questionnaires for
teachers and interview schedules for head teachers were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics was analysed
and data was represented using frequency tables, percentages and mean which was used to present data for easy
interpretation and understanding. The study found that teachers do not have the required knowledge and
expertise to teach learners with SLD in mainstream education and affects their performance in the examinations.
Teachers in mainstream schools lack teaching and learning resources for learners with SLD.